My name is Christian. With most of my time I get to pastor, teach, lead worship, and write. I pastor with an incredible team at Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon where me and my wife, Yinka, live. When we are not home, we serve with Practicing The Way - an organization that aims to re-envision discipleship for the modern church.

I am a friend and follower of Jesus. My life’s aim is to love, trust, and follow Jesus and then help others do the same.

A few other things: I am half Ethiopian and was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. My wife is Nigerian-American. I spent most of my twenties pastoring college students and working on their spiritual formation at Northwest University and writing music with my band McKinneyDawson. Now, I’m in my thirties and enjoy travel, concerts, photography, and Marvel.

As far as education and experience, I hold a Master of Arts in Bible and Theology as well undergraduate degrees in Pastoral Ministries and Biblical studies. I was licensed, and eventually ordained, as a minister in 2013.